Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS
Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS (The Golden ROM Series)(Volume 4 Number 1)(The Digital Publishing Company)(1992).ISO
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Text File
291 lines
*Hitting the return/enter key will select the highlighted
option on menu screens (Mouse Users: Hit the Left button).
*The ESC Key will always return you to the previous menu
or screen (Mouse Users: Hit the Right button).
*The box in the upper right corner will display the
options you have for a given menu or screen.
*The last line of the screen will let you know what will
happen if you press the return/enter key for the
highlighted item on the menu.
*The F1 Key on a Help Screen will bring up the Help Index.
You can select any of the Help Topics listed there by
using the Highlight Bar (Mouse Users: The Middle button
acts as F1).
─────┤ DATA ENTRY SCREENS ├─────
A few tips:
Remember the title so User Defined fields can be changed
using the Default SetUp option (from the Utilities Menu).
The Synopsis can be WordWrapped by hitting the PageUp key.
F1 will provide you with the last tape number used and the
next missing number.
PageDwon completes the action and ESC aborts it.
Select the desired item by moving the lite bar up or down
and pressing the return/enter key.
You can select the Enter Date option and then enter the
date of the entry to have the program find the entry for
Select the desired item by moving the lite bar up or down
and pressing the return/enter key.
You can select either the Enter Title or Tape Number
options and then enter the desired Tape Number or Title
and have the program find the entry for you.
─────┤ PRINT OUTS ├─────
You can choose to print out only protions of your opus, by
entering a start and end date for the portion you want to
The program will enter the first and last date for you if
you desire an entire print out.
─────┤ FIND! ├─────
This will help you find different organizations depending
on your needs.
Just select the field you wish to Find! for and then what
you want it to equal. ie Association = ASP.
The program will bring up all matches.
─────┤ CRITERIA ├─────
This will help you find different Videos depending on your
Just select the field you wish print for and then what you
want it to equal. ie Category = B.
The program will print all that matches.
─────┤ FIND! ├─────
This will help you find different Videos depending on your
Just select the field you wish to Find! for and then what
you want it to equal. ie Category = B.
The program will bring up all matches.
Note: Artist refers to both Star and CoStar, Feature
refers to the Title.
─────┤ DEFAULT SETUP ├─────
Valid Colours Are:
N=Black B=Blue GR=Brown BG=Cyan
N+=Gray RB=Magenta R=Red W=White
{Adding a + To A Colour Will Make It High Intensity}
Authors Choice: W+: Text B: Background & Border
W+: Inputs R: Input Background
User #1: The field is 31 Charcters long.
User #2: The field is 29 Characters long.
User #3: The field is 5 Characters long.
Data Drive:
The drive where you will keep your data disk. ex A,B,C,D
etc. If you enter a 'Z' the program will create a new data
file for the person using the system.
File Name: Any valid file name except TEMP and NEWUSER.
Right Justify: This is for the text in the Synopsis, it
will right justify the text during Word Wrap if you answer
─────┤ PRINTER SETUP ├─────
This allows you to customize the printer codes used by the
program. These codes can be found in your printer manual.
The codes that the program has when originally distributed
are for the Epson FX100.
You will need to know the code for 10 cpi (Pica), 12 CPI
(Elite), Enlarged, Condensed (17CPI) and Double High/Wide.
If your printer cannot handle double high/wide DON'T
PANIC, just leave it blank; the program will use Enlarged
for that entry.
You do not have to enter the ESC part of the code, the
program will add that automatically. You can enter the
letter ESC code or the number it does not matter: ie ESC
code 119 can be entered as "119" or "w". (Do not enter
any " "s!)
Title/Number/Artist/Rating/Category Order: Puts the file
in one of those orders. NOTE Artist refers to Star.
Build For Speed: Allows the program to requence file in
the best order for speed.
Ghost Buster: Gets rid of extra spaces in the data file to
reduce the overall size of the file.
Default SetUp: Lets you change the Colours or Date
Printer SetUp: Lets you set the printer codes for the
program to match your equipment.
Shell To DOS: This lets you exit to DOS temporarily, type
Exit to return to VideoMaster.
Upgrade To 7.50: Upgrades data files from versions prior
to 7.19. See READ1ST.DOC prior to using.
This program is produced by Unicorn Software Limited, a
member of the Association Of Shareware Professionals
{ASP}. ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware
related problem with an ASP member, ASP may be able to
help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you reslove a dispute or
problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical
support for member's products. Please write to the ASP
Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a
message via CompuServe mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
─────┤ NEW USERS ├─────
Notice To New Users:
Shareware is a unique marketing system that allows you,
the User, to try a program to determine its value to you,
prior to paying for it.
You are granted a 30 day trial period to use this product.
After 30 days you must register, or stop using it. This
should allow you sufficient time to decide if you like the
software and if it will be useful to you. If you have
already registered with Unicorn Software Ltd., Thank You!
This is a User supported program. You are my best
distributor. Please give a copy of the program to
friends, upload it to local bulletin board systems, and
take a copy to your PC User's Group librarian.
Thank you for your support!
What you will recieve for registering:
1. The latest version of the program without
registration reminder screens on disk (5 1/4" or 3 1/2").
2. Technical support via phone, BBS, CompuServe or
3. Free CompuServe membership with $15 credit.
4. Notification of upgrades for new versions of the
program and other new releases from Unicorn Software Ltd.
5. Another disk of Unicorn Shareware to try.
6. A warm feeling that comes from knowing you did the
right thing and that you are helping Shareware work.
A file called INVOICE.DOC is on the program disk. It
should be included regardless of where you obtained the
program from, if not the original program copy has been
altered and you should notify Unicorn Software about where
you obtained the program from.
The file contians all the information necessary to
register your own copy of this program. To print out the
form: Go to the DOS prompt, turn on your printer, then
type in the following line and press the Enter key:
Fill out the form and send it with your check or money for
the option you desire to the address on the form. There
is a $4 charge for Shipping and Handling charges that must
be included with the order.
You can also use your AMEX, Discover, MC or VISA card by
sending the form to the Public(software)Library at P.O.
Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705.
You can order this program with Amex, Discover, MC or Visa
from the Public(software)Library by calling 1-800-2424-PSL
or 1-713-524-6394 or by FAX at 1-713-524-6398, and by
CompuServe EMAIL at 71355,470. These numbers are for
orders only.
To insure you get the latest version, PsL will notify
Unicorn Software the day of your order and we will ship it
directly to you. Any questions about the status of the
order, registration options, product details, technical
support, dealer pricing, site and corporate licenses must
be directed to Unicorn Software Limited at 1-219-563-HOME.
You can also contact us by mail at P.O. Box 911 Wabash,
Indiana 46992-0911 or via CompuServe at 70272,3317.
─────┤ PRINT OUTS ├─────
A Listing provides the Tape Number, Category, Title &
A Catalog provides all information for each tape.
Front Labels: Gives you Title, Tape Number, & Start Point.
Spine Label: This will print labels for the spine of the
tape. They will contain the Tape Number and Title.
Kustom Listing allows you to build your own print out.
Simply choose the item using the lite bar or the first
letter of the item, to include in your print out. The
computer will track the number of characters you have left
and tell you if you go over 80. Hit PageDown to start the
printout or ESC to abort.
Select the desired item by moving the lite bar up or down
and pressing the return/enter key.
The screen will then display the item's Information.
─────┤ FOUND! ├─────
Top: The very first item meeting the Find Me!
Prev: The item before this one.
Next: The next item.
End: The very last item meeting the Find Me!
ESC: Exit back to Find Me! selection screen.
─────┤ CHANGE BOTTOM MENU ├─────
Top: The very first item.
Prev: The item before this one.
Next: The next item.
End: The very last item.
ESC: Exit back to selection screen.